CANO’s Mansion Show is an annual exhibition open to all artists. We want to celebrate your creativity!
ALTERNATIVES is this year's theme.
*Submissions are due Saturday, May 11, 11:59pm
Juried by the Exhibitions Committee

Community Arts Network of Oneonta
Annual Mansion Show
June 1 – 21, 2024
Opening Reception May 31, 5-7pm
The theme for this year’s Mansion Show is “Alternatives.” Artists may interpret the theme however they see fit.
CANO’s Mansion Show is an annual regional curated art exhibition open to all artists, styles, and media. Artists may submit up to 3 works of art, which have not been previously shown at CANO. Juried by the Exhibitions Committee.
Important Dates:
Saturday, May 11, 11:59pm: Application Deadline
Thursday, May 16: Accepted artists (and works) notified via email
Thursday, May 23, 4-6 pm & Friday, May 24, 12-2 pm: Drop off of selected works
Friday, May 31, 5-7 pm: Opening Reception.
Saturday, June 1-Friday, June 21: Mansion Show exhibition on display. Friday, June 7, 5-8pm Art in Bloom opening reception.
Friday, June 28, 12-2pm & Saturday, June 29, 12-2pm: Artwork Pick-up
Awards: Prizes will be awarded for Best in Show as well as second & third place. Voting to take place at opening reception.
Entries: Artwork must be ready to display with hardware and hanging wire; sculpture must be freestanding or ready to hang. Work requiring special installation may not be accepted. All work MUST be dropped off and picked up. CANO will not accept shipped artwork or ship artwork.
2-dimensional works: No larger than 48” x 48″ including frame.
Wall mounted sculpture: No larger than 36″ H x 36″ W x 12″ D (40 lb. weight limit)
Sculpture: limitations to be determined by space.
Video & installation: subject to approval & space limitations. You must provide all equipment & operating instructions.
Entry Procedures:
All entries must be submitted online using the form below with image files (jpegs) of artwork sent by May 11th. Image files should be saved as jpegs, at most 800kb. Be certain to label your images by title to avoid confusion. Email your images to if you are having difficulty submitting them with the form.
*Apply online here with jpg's labeled according to title given in submission form. Read above for instructions.
*Entry Fees: $10(CANO members) or $20 (non-members) due by May 11. Payment may be submitted by using the registration button below OR you may mail your entry fee payable to CANO at 11 Ford Ave, Oneonta 13820.
Membership: Membership is not required. If you are not already a member, but would like to become one, and receive the reduced entry fee, you may apply and pay for a membership online here.
Sales: Work is not required to be for sale. Sales will be made payable to CANO & applicable sales tax will be added. At the end of the exhibition, CANO will pay the artist 70% of the listed price and retain 30% commission for each work sold. In the event any artwork sells within 30 days of the end of the exhibition, but due to the buyer having seen it at the CANO gallery, the 30% commission will still be in effect. In this case, The Artist is responsible to pay CANO the commission fee by: July 31, 2024.
Delivery: All accepted works must be delivered in person to CANO’s Wilber Mansion at 11 Ford Ave. Oneonta, NY 13820 during the scheduled delivery times (see Important Dates above). Work must be labeled with your name, the media, title, & price (or NFS) securely on back lower left corner.
Pick Up: All artwork must be picked up in person during the scheduled pick-up times (see Important Dates above). We do NOT store artwork. If you do not pick up your work within the scheduled time, or contact us at within 2 weeks of the end of the exhibition, we will dispose of your work.
Liability: CANO cannot insure work/equipment, or be responsible for loss, theft or damage. We do the best to make sure that all work remains safe & undamaged, but you may wish to retain your own insurance. CANO reserves the right to use images of accepted work for promotional purposes. Submission of your entry indicates your acceptance of the rules of this show.
Please direct all questions to: or Do NOT call CANO with questions.